Berky O. L. – chief physician – surgeon. [Work experience – 31 years]

Your doctor is a surgeon

Ostap Lyubomyrovych, a doctor and surgeon of the highest qualification category by specialty – “Surgery”, has been providing professional assistance for more than 30 years. During this time, he performed hundreds of operations of varying complexity and operated on thousands of patients.

Specialists of the Medical Center “Med-Elite” in Ivano-Frankivsk are forming a new image of modern private medicine and implementing uniform standards of world-class treatment.


🔹 1997 graduated from the Ivano-Frankivsk Medical Academy with honors in the specialty “Medical business”;
🔹 1997-1999 – internship in the specialty “Surgery” on the basis of IFNMA;
🔹 1999-2001 – training in a clinical residency in the specialty “Surgery” on the basis of the Department of Faculty Surgery of the IFDMA;
🔹 2020 – graduated from the Western Ukrainian National University, majoring in “Management of Health Care Institutions”.


🔹 1990 – 1995 – 2nd city clinical hospital, operating nurse of the surgical department;
🔹 1995 – 1997 – City Clinical Hospital No. 1, ward nurse of the surgical department;
🔹 1997 – 1999 – Intern doctor of the surgical department;
🔹 1999 – 2001 – Clinical resident of the department of the Faculty of Surgery of IFNMU;
🔹 2002 – 2009 – Surgeon, surgical department of City Polyclinic 1;
🔹 2009 – 2020 – Head of the surgical department;
🔹 2017 – 2020 – Deputy chief physician, head of the LKK.

Additional Information

🔹 For more than 30 years, Ostap Lubomyrovych faithfully and professionally helps patients in solving health problems, as evidenced by numerous awards and certificates, including:
🔹 Certificates of MP No. 1, 2009, 2013, 2016, 2019 years for a significant contribution to the development of health care, high professionalism;
🔹 Thanks from the chief doctor of the Central Medical Center, 2011, for the achieved high indicators, active participation in public life, dedicated work, conscientious attitude to one’s professional duties;

Ostap Lubomyrovych is a top-class professional and a reliable and clear leader, an example to follow.

certificates and diplomas

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